Gundam Prop Bets

Starting Prop-Bets and the Prop-Bet-Cap (PBC)
To participate in a Gundam Prop Bet, it is important that all players involved decide on Prop-Bet-Cap (PBC). To participate in the prop-bet a player must have enough funds available to cover the PBC. For the Big Blind (bb) system shown below, a PBC from 100bb to 400bb (1-4 buy-ins) is pretty reasonable. The PBC is the maximum amount any player can lose. Once a player losses that amount the prop-bets stops for that player, who can now no longer win/lose any more money UNLESS all players agree to increase the PBC to a new value (but only if all players can cover the new value.) The order in which the players get to choose their suit, pip or parity should be determine by an agreed upon random method (coin-flip, drawing cards, etc.)

General Rules
Once the prop-betting has started, any person participating in prop-bets should normally be a player seated at the table (see Non-Player Exception below). A player “seated at table” is any player that is eligible to be dealt into the next hand. This typically means having chips on the table, with the exception being in a live game where a player who is in the process of buying more chips and is “playing behind”. If a player is not eligible to be dealt into next hand, they are temporarily out of the prop-bet action, thus they do not have to pay-out nor can they collect prop-bets. When playing on-line a player must be sitting at the table. Once a player establishes a seat at the table by being eligible to be dealt into the next hand, they are automatically back in the prop-bet action. For on-line play, it is as simple as “being seated at the table”. Note: Player’s don’t have to be dealt into the hand to be in the action, they merely need to be sitting at the table and eligible to be dealt-in to a hand.

Run-it-Twice: When a street is run multiple-times, the prop-bet only applies to the first board.

Only persons who are behind in the prop-bets can pre-maturely end the prop-betting. Player’s that are current prop-bet winners must either quit the game or wait until their prop-bet opponents quit the game or the PBC is reached. Of course, if all participants agree, the prop-bet can end at anytime.

When a player cashes-out (i.e. quits the game), they are no longer in the prop-bet action. If they return to the game before it ends , the prop-bet continues. When the game ends prop-bets should be settled with the cash-out unless they specify they want to stay in the action and it is agreed upon by all prop-bet players (see Non-Player Exception.)

Non-Player Exception: A non-player (observer) can participate in prop-bets. When a non-player is participating in prop-bets with players at the table, they are always in the action until their opponent(s) leave(s) the table or they quit as loser. If all participants are non-players the prop-bets continue until the end of the game or agreed upon by a losing player to end early.

Live Vs. Online
When the game is live, the prop-bets should be tracked in real time using a set of chips very distinguishable from the active poker game. When the game is on-line the prop-bets will be tracked using hand history, although it encouraged for players to track them real-time. The on-line hand history will be binding.

Suit Props
Each player picks a suit. In order to collect $. To collect on a given street, you must “hit” the given street, and at that point you count total # of suits on the board. For example, if you have picked clubs and hit two clubs on the flop, you would immediately get paid $0.50 and if you then hit another club on the river, you would get paid again, and the amount would be $1.00, because at that point you have 3-clubs on the board. So your total payout would be $1.25 ($0.50 + $0.75).

Street1 Suit2 Suits3 Suits4 Suits5 Suits*

0bb, 1bb
River0bb ($0.00)
0bb ($0.00)
3bb, 4bb
14bb, 20bb
200bb ($50.00)
* Note that these pay-outs will NOT occur for most reasonable Prop-Bet-Caps (PBC)

Pick a Pip Prop
Each player picks a pip and is paid when their pip is dealt.

Street1 Pip CardPair of PipsTrip PipQuad Pips*
Flop2bb ($0.50)
20bb ($5.00)
200bb ($50.00)
Turn 1bb ($0.25)
10bb ($2.50)
100bb ($25.00)
400bb ($100.00)
River 1bb ($0.25)
5bb ($1.25)
50bb ($12.50)
200bb ($50.00)
* Note that these pay-outs will NOT occur for most reasonable Prop-Bet-Caps (PBC)

Even-Odd Props (Ace – Ten)
Each player picks “Even” or “Odd”. Once the board becomes contaminated with the other player’s pick, collection stops. In order to collect $, the board can not contain any of the opponents cards. To collect on a give street, you must “hit” the given street, and at that point you count total # of “good cards” on the board. For example, if you have picked “evens” and hit 1-even on the flop, you would immediately get paid $0.25. If a face card comes on the turn you don’t collect, but you are still “live” for the river. If you then hit another even on the river, you would get paid and the amount would be $0.50, because at that point you have 2-evens on the board. So your total payout would be $0.50 ($0.25 + $0.25).

Street1 Even/Odd2 Even/Odd3 Even/Odd4 Even/Odd5 Even/Odd
Flop1bb ($0.25)2bb ($0.50)8bb ($2.00)
Turn 1bb ($0.25)1bb ($0.25)4bb ($1.00)8bb ($2.00)
River1bb ($0.25)1bb ($0.25)4bb ($1.00)8bb ($2.00)24bb ($6.00)

Odd/Even Pairs Props
Each player picks “Even” or “Odd”. For counting pairs, board contamination doesn’t matter. You simply get paid for having pairs, trips or quads on the board as long as those cards are your “even” or “odd” pick.

Flop2bb ($0.50)40bb ($10.00)
Turn2bb ($0.50)20bb ($5.00)80bb ($20)
River 2bb ($0.50)20bb ($5.00)80bb ($20)